ASIC Regulatory Portal

Your central access to ASIC's growing suite of digital services

Upcoming scheduled outage
Due to scheduled maintenance, the ASIC Regulatory Portal will be unavailable during the below window:
  •  Friday 6 December 8.00 PM to Saturday 8 December 11:59 PM (AEDT).

We apologise for any inconvenience caused. Please ensure all time sensitive lodgements are made prior to the outage.

For more information, see our 'Service availability' page for details of any upcoming impacts to our services.
Document lodgement over the Christmas closure period

ASIC’s offices will be closed over the Christmas and New Year period but you will still be able to lodge documents via the Regulatory Portal during this period. Lodgements made between 3 pm AEDT on Tuesday, 24 December 2024 and 8 am AEDT on Tuesday, 2 January 2025, may not appear on the register and the Offer Notice Board until 2 January 2025.

We remind issuers that prospectuses will automatically have the exposure period extended if lodged over the Christmas close down period pursuant to ASIC Corporations (ASIC Close Down Period) Instrument 2018/1034. This instrument continues to operate to automatically extend the exposure period to 14 days for disclosure documents lodged between:

  • 5 pm Tuesday, 17 December 2024, and
  • 9 am Tuesday, 2 January 2025.

Issuers should consider this carefully when lodging fundraising documents during this period.

See our ‘Service availability' page for details of any impacts to our services.

ASIC Regulatory Portal: How to register

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About the portal

The ASIC Regulatory Portal is where our regulated community can access ASIC’s increasing suite of digital services. It is an important first step on our journey to improve the experience of our regulatory stakeholders. The portal will improve how we deliver online services to you over time, and how you can transact and interact with us.

For more information - see our FAQs and user guides.